Chemistry - NGSS and State Standards alignment

NGSS, State Standards (MA) and AP alignment for our Chemistry worksheets

Worksheet NGSS MA AP
Using Titration to Measure Molarity HS-PS1-9 (MA) SPQ 4.B.1, SAP 9.E.1, SAP 9.E.2
Purity of Baking Soda HS-PS1-9 (MA) SPQ 4.B.1, SAP 9.E.1, SAP 9.E.2
Atomic Emission Spectra HS-PS1-1 HS-PS1-1 SAP 8.A.1
Measuring Mass in Moles HS-PS1-7 HS-PS1-7 SPQ 1.A, SPQ 2.A.1
Diffraction Experiments HS-PS4-3 HS-PS4-3
Electrolytes HS-PS2-7 (MA) SAP 5.B.3
Energy Levels HS-PS1-1 HS-PS1-1 SAP 8.A.1
Enthalpy and Entropy HS-PS1-4 HS-PS1-4, HS-PS3-4b ENE 2.A, ENE 2.F.1, ENE 4.C, SPQ 5.D
Flame Tests HS-PS1-1 HS-PS1-1 Science Practice 2.A
Heat of Fusion HS-PS1-3 HS-PS1-3 ENE 2.E
Heat of Combustion HS-PS1-4 HS-PS1-4 TRA 2.A.2, ENE 2.F
Heat of Reaction HS-PS1-4 HS-PS1-4 ENE 2.F
Ideal Gas Law HS-PS2-8 (MA) SAP 7.A
Ideal vs. Real Gases HS-PS2-8 (MA) SAP 7.A, SAP 7.C
Identification of Cations in Solution HS-PS1-2 HS-PS1-11 (MA) TRA 1.A.2, TRA 2.A.5
Ionization Constants HS-PS1-6 HS-PS1-9 (MA) SAP 9.C, SAP 9.E
Finding the Charge of an Electron HS-PS1-1 HS-PS1-1 SAP 1.A.1
Using Titration to Find Molar Mass HS-PS1-7 HS-PS1-7 SPQ 4.B.1, SAP 9.E.1, SAP 9.E.2
Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds HS-PS1-2 HS-PS1-2 TRA 1.A.2, TRA 2.A.5, Science Practice 2
Photoelectric Effect HS-PS4-3 HS-PS4-3 SAP 8.B
Precipitation Reactions HS-PS1-2 HS-PS1-11 (MA) TRA 1.A.2, TRA 2.A.5
Internal and External Gas Pressure HS-PS2-8 (MA) SAP 7.A
Pressure and Volume of Gases HS-PS2-8 (MA) SAP 7.A
Qualitative Analysis of Cations HS-PS1-2 HS-PS1-11 (MA) TRA 1.A.2, TRA 2.A.5
Redox Titrations HS-PS1-10 (MA) TRA 2.C.1, ENE 6.B.1, TRA 2.A.2, SPQ 4.B.1, SAP 9.E.2
Rutherford’s Experiment HS-PS1-1 HS-PS1-1 SAP 1.A.1
Specific Heat of Metals HS-PS1-4 HS-PS3-4a ENE 2.D
An Overview of Titrations HS-PS1-9 (MA) SPQ 4.B.1, SAP 9.E.1, SAP 9.E.2
Temperature and Volume of Gases HS-PS2-8 (MA) SAP 7.A
The Thomson Experiment HS-PS1-1 HS-PS1-1 SAP 1.A.1
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